PlayStation’s Exclusive Game Concord Details Set to be Revealed Soon
PlayStation News Concord

PlayStation’s Exclusive Game Concord Details Set to be Revealed Soon

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

According to reputable dataminer billbil-kun via dealabs, details on PlayStation's upcoming game Concord are set to be revealed within the next two weeks.

Billbil-kun, known for his accurate information obtained through datamining, shared his insights on the highly anticipated game Concord. He predicts that new details about the game, including information on characters and a sneak peek at gameplay, will be revealed in approximately 15 days.

While it remains uncertain whether the announcement will coincide with the rumored State of Play event, Billbil-kun's findings suggest that new game assets have been uploaded, hinting at an imminent announcement.

Developed by the Firewalk team, Concord is poised to be PlayStation's next PvP multiplayer first-person shooter, slated for release on PS5 and PC later this year. The game promises to deliver an immersive multiplayer experience, emphasizing the power of games to foster connections and inspire social play.

PlayStation described Concord as a game that brings people together, offering vibrant worlds, a diverse cast of characters, and endless opportunities for new adventures and stories with each match played.

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