Skull & Bones Price $70
Gaming News Skull and Bones

Ubisoft Stands by Skull & Bones' $70 Price Tag: Calling It A Quadruple-A Game

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

In a recent statement that has stirred the gaming community, Ubisoft's CEO has come forward to defend the $70 price point of the highly anticipated pirate adventure game, Skull & Bones, despite its leanings towards a live service model, such as the recent 1 year roadmap. This move has sparked a wide range of reactions, with many questioning the justification behind the premium pricing for a game that is expected to evolve over time through updates and expansions.

Skull & Bones, which has been in development for several years, promises to offer players an expansive and immersive pirate experience, unlike anything they've seen before. The game's ambitious scope and high production values have led Ubisoft to label it as a 'quadruple-A' title, a term that signifies an even greater level of investment and quality than the already high standards of triple-A gaming.

The CEO's defense of the game's price point centers around the belief that once players get to experience the vastness and completeness of the game, they will understand the rationale behind the pricing. This statement suggests that Ubisoft is confident in the game's ability to deliver a rich and engaging experience that justifies the initial investment.

This stance on pricing is particularly noteworthy in an era where the gaming industry is increasingly moving towards live service models, where games are continuously updated and expanded post-launch. The debate around game pricing and the value proposition of live service games is ongoing, and Ubisoft's approach with Skull & Bones will undoubtedly add an interesting dimension to this discussion.

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