Disney Speedstorm Season Pass Changes and Community Backlash
Gaming News Disney Speedstorm

Disney Speedstorm Season Pass Changes and Community Backlash

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

Gameloft has announced some major changes to the game's season pass structure for the upcoming season. In a recent update, Gameloft revealed that the next season's Golden Pass will no longer be purchasable with in-game Tokens, a departure from previous seasons.

Instead, players will now have to make a direct purchase to access the premium tier of the Golden Pass, priced at $9.99/€9.99. Additionally, a bundle for $19.99/€19.99 that allows players to skip tiers will also be available for purchase.

This change has caused quite a stir among the Disney Speedstorm community, with players expressing their frustration on social media platforms such as Reddit. Many fans were disappointed that they can no longer use Tokens to unlock the premium tier of the season pass.

Season 7 of Disney Speedstorm is scheduled to kick off on April 17, bringing new challenges and rewards for players to enjoy. The upcoming season will be divided into two parts, each lasting approximately 1 month and containing 4-5 Season Tour Chapters.

With the new season structure, each part will offer a free Golden Pass track, providing players with 100 tiers of rewards to earn without spending any money. Tiers will now require 1000 XP to complete, making it quicker for players to unlock rewards.

While some players may be disappointed with the changes to the season pass, the overall goal is to provide a more streamlined and rewarding experience for Disney Speedstorm fans. With plenty of new content and challenges on the horizon, players can look forward to an exciting season ahead.

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