Capcom Reveals Dragon's Dogma 2 Update Intentions, with New Game Mode and 30fps Limit
Gaming News Dragon's Dogma 2 Capcom

Capcom Reveals Dragon's Dogma 2 Update Intentions, with New Game Mode and 30fps Limit

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

Capcom has recently unveiled some thrilling updates coming to Dragon's Dogma 2 in the near future. These updates are set to enhance the gameplay experience for players and address some of the concerns raised by the community.

One of the major updates includes the ability to commence a new game even when existing save data is present, a feature that fans have been eagerly anticipating. Additionally, there will be an increase in the number of Art of Metamorphosis items available at Pawn Guilds, allowing players more flexibility in customizing their character's appearance.

Console players can look forward to new options like toggling motion blur and ray tracing, as well as the ability to set the game's frame rate to either Variable or a capped 30fps. This update aims to provide a smoother and more consistent performance for an improved gaming experience.

The full list of planned updates for Dragon's Dogma 2 includes:

All Platforms

  • Ability to start a new game with existing save data
  • Increase in Art of Metamorphosis items at Pawn Guilds
  • Early availability of the quest to acquire a dwelling for players
  • Text display fixes
  • Bug fixes

PS5 and Xbox Series X/S

  • Option to toggle Motion Blur on/off
  • Option to toggle Ray Tracing on/off
  • Frame Rate settings - Variable or Max 30fps


  • Improved quality with DLSS Super Resolution
  • Fix for low-quality models under specific settings

These updates demonstrate Capcom's commitment to enhancing Dragon's Dogma 2 and providing a more enjoyable gaming experience for players. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from the game's official channels.

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