Both Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi are Said to be Remade in Unreal Engine 5
Gaming News Crazy Taxi Reboot Jet Set Radio

Both Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi are Said to be Remade in Unreal Engine 5

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

A reputable leaker has recently shared some exciting news for Sega fans, claiming that both Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi will be receiving the Unreal Engine 5 treatment.

The news broke on Twitter, with @MbKKssTBhz5 revealing that these iconic Sega titles are set to be remade using the latest Unreal Engine technology. This leaker has a track record of accurately reporting on Sega-related games in the past, adding credibility to the information.

Not only that, but it was also mentioned that a new Streets of Rage game is currently in development by a Canadian game studio, with plans for a mobile release in the future. This news has sparked even more excitement among Sega fans.

The announcement of the Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi remakes was made alongside three other Sega classics at The Game Awards 2023. Shinobi, Golden Axe, and Streets of Rage were also unveiled as part of Sega's 'New Era, New Energy' branding, hinting at a revival of these beloved franchises.

While Sega has not confirmed an official release date for these games, the leaker hinted that Streets of Rage could see a release later this year, keeping fans on the edge of their seats.

In addition to these remakes, Insider Gaming recently reported on the development of three more Sega classics: Panzer Dragoon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Sakura Taisen. Sega has yet to make any official announcements regarding these projects, adding to the anticipation for what lies ahead.

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Gaming News Crazy Taxi Reboot Jet Set Radio


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