Balatro is on its Way to iPhone With Additional Updates Planned
Gaming News Balatro

Balatro is on its Way to iPhone With Additional Updates Planned

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

If you're a fan of roguelike deckbuilders and poker-themed games, then you're in for a treat! Balatro, the game that has been making waves in the gaming world, is now set to make its way to iPhone.

In an exclusive interview with iMore, developer LocalThunk confirmed that the game will be coming to the platform. While there is no official release date yet, players can currently enjoy the game on handheld gaming PCs or the Steam Deck.

With Balatro already receiving glowing reviews on Steam, fans will be pleased to know that more updates are on the way. According to LocalThunk, these updates will bring new content to the game, but without compromising its core experience.

When asked about the future direction of the game, LocalThunk mentioned that the focus will be on introducing new secrets and exploring interesting design spaces. He emphasized the importance of avoiding unnecessary mechanics that could potentially "bloat" the game.

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