Deadpool and Wolverine Sequel Trailer Hides QR Code Message from Ryan Reynolds
Film & TV News Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool and Wolverine Sequel Trailer Hides QR Code Message from Ryan Reynolds

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

The newest trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine is causing quite a stir among fans, and for good reason. Not only does it promise to be a fun and heart-pounding experience, but it also hides a clever QR code that reveals a hilarious disclaimer from star Ryan Reynolds.

In his signature witty style, Reynolds jokingly describes the film as "paper-thin" and promises that it will lower your IQ while raising your heart rate. With a release date set for July 26, fans can expect plenty of action, humor, and perhaps a few surprises along the way.

While Reynolds' disclaimer is full of tongue-in-cheek humor, one statement stands out - the revelation that Deadpool and Wolverine will not feature an after-credits sequence. This departure from the typical Marvel formula is intriguing and hints at a unique viewing experience for audiences.

Marvel fans will also be excited to know that Deadpool and Wolverine is the only Marvel film set for release in 2024. However, the studio has a lineup of exciting projects for 2025, including Captain America: Brave New World, Thunderbolts, and The Fantastic Four.

On the ticket sales front, Deadpool and Wolverine is already breaking records. Fandango reported that the film achieved the strongest first-day ticket pre-sales in franchise history, indicating a high level of anticipation among moviegoers.

But that's not all - the stars of the film have even collaborated on a unique venture, teaming up to sell their own brand of beer. It seems that the Deadpool and Wolverine hype is reaching new heights both on and off the screen.

As the release date draws near, fans can't wait to immerse themselves in the world of Deadpool and Wolverine. With its promise of humor, action, and a few unexpected twists, this sequel is shaping up to be a must-see for all Marvel enthusiasts.

So mark your calendars for July 26, grab your popcorn, and get ready to join Deadpool and Wolverine on a wild and entertaining ride through the world of superheroes and villains. It's sure to be an experience like no other.

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Film & TV News Deadpool & Wolverine