Valve's New Game Deadlock: Evidence Points to Imminent Reveal
Gaming News Deadlock Valve

Valve's New Game Deadlock: Evidence Points to Imminent Reveal

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

If you're a fan of Valve games, you might be thrilled to hear about the potential reveal of a new game from the studio. Recent leaks suggest that Valve has been working on a new 6v6 hero shooter MOBA called Deadlock since 2018.

What's even more exciting is that Deadlock now has a page on SteamDB, a third-party website that tracks Steam's backend. Users on Reddit have spotted the page, which also shows that there are hundreds of people currently in-game. According to SteamDB owner Pavel Djundik, these in-game users are testers who are actively testing the game.

Additionally, a recent leak has revealed early development footage of playable characters from Deadlock. While not all of these characters may make it to the final game, it's still a tantalizing glimpse into what Valve has in store for us. You can find more details on this leak here.

With all this evidence pointing towards an imminent reveal, it's an exciting time to be a gamer. Keep an eye out for more updates on Deadlock and get ready to dive into Valve's latest creation!

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