Overwatch 2 Update Causes Outrage Among Players Over Genji and Hanzo Nerfs
Gaming News Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Update Causes Outrage Among Players Over Genji and Hanzo Nerfs

Nathan Lees
Nathan Lees

With the much-anticipated release of Overwatch 2 Season 10, players were eager to dive into the new content and updates. However, amidst the excitement, a troublesome bug has emerged, affecting two beloved heroes, Genji and Hanzo.

Upon the launch of Season 10, eagle-eyed players and Overwatch Pros like Necros, quickly noticed an issue with Genji and Hanzo's wall climb ability. Specifically, after executing certain moves like Genji's double jump or Hanzo's air dash, attempting to climb walls became a struggle. The heroes would simply fall instead of clinging to the surface, disrupting their crucial movement mechanics.

For DPS mains who rely on Genji and Hanzo's agility and vertical mobility to outmaneuver opponents, this bug poses a significant threat. Evading damage, positioning strategically, and accessing vantage points become challenging tasks due to the faulty wall climb ability.

While some may view this as a deliberate nerf, it appears to be an unintended consequence of the Season 10 update, as there were no mentions of adjustments for Genji or Hanzo in the patch notes. Players and professionals alike have voiced their concerns, urging Blizzard to swiftly address this issue with a hotfix.

As we await a resolution from the developers, Overwatch 2 enthusiasts can only hope for a speedy fix to restore Genji and Hanzo to their former glory. The competitive scene and casual players alike are eagerly anticipating the return of seamless wall climbs and exhilarating gameplay moments with these iconic heroes.

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