Patch Notes Gray Zone Warfare

Gray Zone Warfare Hotfix Patch Notes on November 30th

Hotfix live for Gray Zone Warfare, addressing task reward duplication and more.

· 1 min read
Gray Zone Warfare Hotfix Patch Notes on November 30th

The latest hotfix for Gray Zone Warfare is now live, focusing on fixing task reward duplication issues and server crashes caused by them. Make sure to update your game to continue your expeditions smoothly. Read the patch note below for the details.

Gray Zone Warfare Hotfix Patch Notes:

We’ve just released Hotfix to the public branch, addressing task reward duplication issues.


  • [FIXED] Task reward duplication under specific circumstances
  • [FIXED] Server crash caused by task reward duplication

Update Now

There is no server maintenance. We ask all PMCs to return to their FOB, end their expedition safely to save their progress and download the update now.

We’re also planning to release another hotfix for testing on the experimental branch. No ETA yet; we’ll keep you posted.

Source: Steam

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