Patch Notes Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update 1.21 Patch Notes on June 11th

Get ready for new Leland pack and characters on June 11th.

· 2 min read
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update 1.21 on June 11th

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update 1.21 brings updates and fixes, plus the Leland Outfit Pack II and new characters Maria and Hands. Read the full patch notes below.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update 1.21 Patch Notes:

The following fixes are for our upcoming, June 11th, 2024 patch. It’s scheduled to begin rolling out on console and PC at roughly 8AM EDT.

Leland Outfit Pack II will be available for $4.99 USD. Our newest Victim, Maria, and our newest Family member, Hands, will be available for $9.99 USD each or bundled together for $17.99 USD.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Update 1.21 Patch Notes


Changed: Removed Random Nodes

  • Random Nodes from every character's Skill Tree have been removed
  • Players will have all characters respecced when the patch drops
  • Player’s perk levels will remain the same
  • For more details on these changes, read in the Community Hub here

Fixed: ‘Wait a Second’ Perk

  • We fixed the issue where the perk ‘Wait a Second’ did not work as described due to the perk triggering at the start of Nancy’s barbed wire animation
  • Now, ‘Wait a Second’ works as described:
    • Victims who mistakenly get tangled in barbed wire must wait 3/5/8 seconds before removing it. However, fellow Victims can help remove it right away.

Fixed: ‘Back for Blood’ Perk

  • We have fixed an issue with the perk ‘Back for Blood’ where health was not was not regained when attacking Grandpa
  • The perk will now function as described:
    • When sneak attacking Grandpa you decrease Family bond by an extra 10/20/30% and heal for 5/10/15% health

For any existing or persistent issues, please use the support site.

Thanks for your continued support and patience! Keep the conversation going on our official subreddit, r/TXChainSawGame, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Source: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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