Patch Notes Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty Update Patch Notes on July 30th

Medieval Dynasty Update fixes character freezing bug in Medieval Dynasty.

· 1 min read
Medieval Dynasty Update Patch Notes on July 30th

The Medieval Dynasty Update is here, addressing a bug that caused characters to freeze while crafting. The update also includes fixes for issues such as character getting stuck when closing the crafting menu and camera not switching correctly in Ragdoll mode. Read the full patch notes below.

Medieval Dynasty Update Patch Notes:

Dear Players,
We share with you update which fixes the bug related to character freezing while crafting, and includes additional small repairs:


  • Character getting stuck when closing the crafting menu using the Escape or B/Circle buttons on a gamepad,
  • Camera sometimes not switching correctly when going into Ragdoll mode,
  • No option for client to check durability of tools in buildings,
  • Upgraded storages cannot be destroyed

Source: Medieval Dynasty

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